Nombre: Ioana Dinca
Lugar de nacimiento: Pitesti, Arges, Rumania
Residencia actual: Pitesti, Arges, Rumania

Miembro desde: 27/10/2011

Poemas incluidos en esta página:


- Per quelli che ci lasciano sognare.

- Haiku.

- ¿Ascultare?

- Dialectical spirit.

- Entrate e lasciate fuori ogni speranza.

- Totul în lumea neesentialului.

- We are to be art.

- No woman's land.

- How to Cross and Uncross your legs.

- A moment to be.

- Rational tendency.
- Where the smile is.
- Când inima-si desface toti nasturii.

- Days of night, days of light.

- Qualities of hearts.

- When the rest of Heaven was blue.
- Eveniment de margine.


Per quelli che ci lasciano sognare  



A flower growing in the mind has its roots in one's heart.

Cuvântul frumos, scris pe jos, dansând
Joacă visul enfantului şi-al apei culturale.

Noi, oameni ce scriem,
Dansăm în cuvânt.

Noi, oameni ce suntem,
Trăim spre avânt.

Ou vont nos reves?






Essence of a tear:
Childishly loose button
Falling from the heart.








Turlele bisericilor din cărţi 

Se mai ridică , una câte una,  

În sufletele ce au încredere. 

Dar ce e încrederea? 

Şi turlele ce-s? 

Umbră pe iarbă 

Sau trepte spre cer? 





Dialectical spirit 



Tell me, sir, what counts as nothing?
Speak to me in words of truth.
Speak to me, and don't think twice,
I'll stay by, and freeze the dice.

In the loss of words and thought
I'll be there, and leave shall not.

But nothing are your answers
And everything is human.

So be a God and take a choice:
It's the word or it's the voice?





Entrate e lasciate fuori ogni speranza  



When a point of life is drawn
On the sheet of mind and life
Enthusiasm, without control,
strikes as love or cuts as knife.

And when lines are heavy on our thought
Art has basis, but creation not.

So, to paint or just admire?
Contemplate hell, or explore fire?





Totul în lumea neesențialului  


Sub semn de neștire, de viață, devenire
Zace, somnoros și blând, tot întreg, aproape gând.
E dogmatic, și rațiunea-i suficientă,
eronată, dar decentă.

Decența-i stă în întrebare, în nobilul retor
Care caută-n singurătate
Răspuns.. și-n grabă adevăr.

Pe mine m-a-ntrebat de viață,
I-am răspuns că am.

El mi-a zis că n-are relevață.
Iar eu, surpins, l-am întrebat de ce.
Mi-a vorbit de grabă.. eu cântam
De neatenție.. eu nu-nțelegeam.

Și m-am oprit din muzică
Din operă
Din viață.
L-am privit,
L-am alunecat spre ochi,
Însă am căzut și m-am lovit.

N-aveam vreo intenție,
Însă el mi-a zis că asta nu-i dovadă,
L-am întrebat de ce atâta grabă.
"Nobilul nu așteaptă,
iar ființă nu devii decât spre cunoaștere de ai voință."
Am ridicat din ochi, i-am dat peste cap.

Mi-am cules arcușul de pe jos
Și am decis..
Oare l-am lăsat?






We are to be art  



Apart from what we now call love
Apart from us, and up above
Is the idea of ideas
The skies of the seas
And what feeling truly cease.

"We are to be frozen."

We are not to be, but yet we are.
Is now the time to seek the dawn?
To freeze, to face death and to be alone?

We are to be humans, warm and beautiful
We are to have souls.. free and freezable.





No woman's land


Și simți și lași
În pleacăt să plece
Demnitate, frustrări,
răcoare de rece.

Că sensul pierde-se tot
Și totul pierde-se-n sens
E jurământ de cerc
și de zar
și de incert..

E viața ce-o cauți ..
pomul cu flori..
E singura fată
inocentă, tăcută..
de Tot conștientă
pe când totu-i dezlegat.
And her out of her life you should cut.
Evening roaring, my dear lady!
Lacerate your heart! if explanations
you have not..
sang about these years.
Because when All
obsession brings..
We are fools among their strings..





How to Cross and Uncross your legs  


"Take care" when the street is full.

Take care when you think of such..

Take the care and send it to your heart
Take it when you say "This is my part.."

"Of living, of accepting and for life to do its best
To that where gone is time, and out of touch the rest."

Sing it to the acme of our minds
And assure us with their lines
that this armchair is not creation
But the doer and the doing-
The passion for passion.





A moment to be  

Silent.. not known and still tender to be
One moment ago..
who and what should I see?

The rules are mistaken, or misinterpreted
That's what I am, sometimes, in laughter
Simply loving, taking, judging one capture
Of an idea to sell.

To sell it for passion.
For houses, for men, for all of them who know
That this is fighting: to be, to live and to grow.





Rational tendency  


Listen carefully.. 

when the heart stops and the beat still finds its order. 

Listen silenty, those walking jeans 

That growing deadly silhouette 

That nasty voice.. of my only lost duette. 

This is sympathy for the devil: 

Love when gone has its doing. 


It is sweet, and bitter,  

And good looking, dear. 





Where the smile is  



I am.. in my glass of wine. 





Când inima-și desface toți nasturii  


A tiny spider came out of it.. of my heart 

Then came a frog, and ate the spider. 

My heart watched.. 


Then came a man, who spoke only in despair 

And tortured the frog part by part 

It was hard to bear.. but again, my heart watched 


Then raindrops fell on the spider's web 

And the man's thirst was eased. 

My heart? It was there. It still is. 

It can't watch, but is she pleased? 


And then was I,  

the one that takes her lips and cry with them 

and makes it rain.. 

In the mouth of man.  





Days of night, days of light  



Days of simplicity in an insecure room of laughter 

Which yesterday lasted forever, and ever after, 

Days not followed by some rules of sensuality, 

in this passive way for us, now, to see reality, 

Days which now have a number, a sense.. a quality for hearts.. 

Are just days, not moments, not thoughts. 





Qualities of hearts  



..are to be seen in every inch of our bodies. 

Everything outside me speaks.  

Lips are silent. Fingers swear. My neck begs.  

My back, when it is naked, tells the story of my legs. 

My breasts are freaks, they seem to hate my lips. 

And my arms.. My arms are my heart. Truly. 

Always open, never empty. 


Who am I to believe I'm nothing?  

I'm not mine, nor anyone's decision to be. 





When the rest of Heaven was blue

Tender souls 

are the ones who lost and sinned. 

Tender us because we wander 

and the life in us.. struggles with hunger.. 

To live, to break things.. to make, you there, feel alive. 

To starve for dreams, to write a while 

..some love, some hate.. some fingers 

Trying to escape beneath your skin. 

And still, we sing..  





Eveniment de margine  



Toti marii amanti ai marilor poete s-au strans la canaclul cu jucarii 

Si-au ras, au baut.. au cazut in opere apoi, si dupa minute de supunere 

In fara sufletelor pereche 

Au strigat 

... un cantec parca, toti in cor: 

Am terminat! 

Si s-au apucat sa spuna 

Sa ne faca sa simtim, sa credem parca-n ce-o sa fim 

Cand si dac-o sa sa-i iubim. 
